Citii si eu parerea unei studente romance la Londra aici, si sar cu parerea mea:
Catre toti cei care se cred speciali pentru ca:
- locuiesc / nu locuiesc in Romania, America, Anglia, Franta etc
- cred / nu cred in Dumnezeu, Allah, Buddha etc
- asculta / nu asculta manele, rock, jazz etc
- au / nu au copii
- is / nu is albi, negri, rosii, galbeni, roz bonbon etc
- cred / nu cred ca democratia / comunismul / capitalismul sunt supersianumebe
- se inflameaza / nu se inflameaza patriotic
- fac / nu fac sex cu femei, barbati, ambii in acelasi timp
- fac / nu fac avort
jeudi 25 juillet 2013
mardi 9 juillet 2013
Functionari in vacanta
Mi-a dat mai o tzarasica timp hazbandul adresa unui centru de resurse pentru profesori, pe care l-a vazut intr-o pauza de pranz, la cam 20 de minute mers lent de noi. Mi-am facut bagajele asadar ieri (apa, suc, gustare, sepci, bomboane) si m-am dus dupa Vic la "centre aéré" ca sa purcedem toti trei catre respectivul centru. L-am scos pe la 5, ca inchideau la 6 jumate.
Cand il iau pe asta mare, il vad rosu ca un rac in obraji si cam lesinat. Ii dau repede sa bea, zice ca se simte bine, ca i-i cald de la soare. Cum evident nu i-a dat prin cap sa se duca la umbra, i-am zis de vreo patrujsiceva de ori sa nu mai stea in soare, ca o sa il doara capul alea alea. Imi place ca l-am tot intrebat "na, cum esti, nu ti-i prea cald, poti sa mergi, nu ti-i prea cald, sigur nu ti-i prea cald" si imi zice si el "et toi ça va, maman, tu as mis un jolie robe...aujourd'hui" (de fiecare data cand ii place cum sunt imbracata imi zice, si mai si pluseaza cu o privire super incantata, ma face sa ma simt ca un star).
Ne-am tarat dupa conversatie catre centrul ala in pas de melc in carje, si am ajuns pe la 5 jumate. Vorbesc cu doi mesio care se invarteau pe acolo, le explic ce vreau, imi zic ca da, am nimerit bine, dar in vacanta programul e pana la 6, sa revin maine. Ma uit la ceas, vad inca o data 5 jumate, vede ca sesizez discrepanta si imi zambeste intelegator: "madam, suntem in vacanta acum, dar din septembrie e deschis pana la 6 jumate". No, nu-i bai, ma gandesc eu, cine stie ce prostiute or mai fi si pe acolo, probabil nici nu o sa ma mai duc a treia oara.
Ne-am intors cu Vic in carucior si Philippe la el in brate, ca asta mare nu mai putea nici sa se tarasca in stil melc, am impins la ei peste doua poduri in plin soare de-am transpirat cinci litri dar ma felicitam ca anul asta nu am mai avut mirobolanta idee sa ma duc la Timisoara in iulie si august.
Azi pornesc iar catre centru, de data asta era deschis, madam de la receptie imi zice insa ca in vacanta nu imprumuta carti, dar daca am nevoie de ceva poate ca se va putea etc. Nu prea am inteles de ce zice ca nu poate, daca poate totusi daca insist. Imi face abonamentul, arunca o privire fisei de salar, zice ca o stie (banuiesc ca toti profesorii au acelasi tip de foaie), ma pune sa completez o hartie cu datele personale, imi face un card de acces si voilà, gata. Puteam sa fiu un hot de materiale didactice in serie, si as fi fost primita cu bratele deschise, mai ales ca se pot imprumuta 6 documente timp de 3 saptamani. Imi faceam stocul pentru tot anul. Ma rog.
Imi arata politicoasa raftul cu materiale de engleza, si surpriza, normal, e plin de tot felul de chestii interesante pentru toate clasele, pana la ultimul an de liceu. Am stat aproape o ora acolo, sa vad ce au, mai intreb o data, in caz ca, formulez intrebarea negativ (da, is desteapta totusi cateodata): "deci daca gasesc acum ceva, nu pot sa iau, nu?" imi raspunde evident ca nu. Cand termin de studiat dau sa plec, ii zic ca au chestii faine si imi raspunde ca daca vreau, pot sa si iau ceva, ca vara nu prea au multe cereri. O las balta, si ii zic ca vin in 22 august cand deschid sezonul la imprumuturi. Vacanta placuta i-am urat si m-am tarat peste alea doua poduri catre casa, fericita ca am gasit resurse. Si totusi ii scarbos de cald zilele astea.
lundi 8 juillet 2013
And the Oscar for the best timing goes to...
...the unique moment when I realized curly (ok, and frizzy) hair is not that bad, just after buying 20 euros worth of supplies to straighten it up. I have not even been tempted to use a comb anymore, I just splash some water on it every morning and the curls (ok, and the frizzy stuff) are back. Revolutionary.
...the other unique moment when I have started to prepare my heels for summer sandals, rubbing and scrubbing them every night so that they look perfectly smooth in the sandals I have been planning to buy. Buying the sandals, "coup de cœur", yesterday, and they have a closed heel.
...going out with Philippe today, a walk carefully planned when the tree trimming team was working, so as not to be in the appartment when they were trimming the trees under our balcony. Just as we were getting out of the building, the team took a break and they strated working again at nap time. They will probably finish when the nap is over, if they don't manage to wake the little one up before that. Needless to say, MY nap is ruined.
...another unique yet slightly annoying moment when the holidays are officially starting, after having waited for it for something like 9 months, and wishing for it to hurry up every other second. That special day is here now and all I can think about is to go back to school, because I just like it there. This feeling of likeness will of course fade away as soon as I go back to school and the one where I wish for the holidays to come will settle back instead. could go to this one: after being to the students' party 3 weeks ago, which was supposed to knock the walls down and let everyone know how hard they can party, I was slightly dissapointed: the girls came dressed normally and they hid in the toilets to appear with what I call very large belts around their buttocks, with heels so high that they couldn't walk on, literally, they were just standing next to the tables, tables which were full of candies and chips. There was no DJ, so every pupil took their turn every now and then to change the music, and they just couldn't make up their minds about what they wanted to listen to, so we got something like 50 songs in 20 minutes, of no morre than 30 seconds per song. Nobody was dancing, or when they were dancing, they were brutally stoppped by the wannabe DJ "oh-let-me-play-this-one-I-absolutely-love-it" but the rest of us didn't. Whereas, at the teachers' party, the average age was something like... very hard to pronounce by the 14 years old, but there was: chicken BBQ, champagne, wine, salads, cakes, exotic sangria, nobody got drunk and at the end we were all dancing, inlcuding the 2 colleagues 2 years away from their retirement, on 80's hits the students hadn't even heard about. The DJ was great (the school's cook) and he didn't change his mind every 20 seconds. Who can party now, party pupils?
...this moment perhaps: I just want to buy something, and I really, but really, really can't get myself to think about something I need. Or want, for that matter. So I got everything that was on the shopping list and came back home.
...maybe this moment: the tree trimming team are on a break (again) but the construction team 100 metres down the street just started digging some holes in the concrete.
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