vendredi 28 décembre 2012

Answer to "A girl's message" on youtube

This is an answer to that girl's message (though the title stated it fairly well, I want to make sure you're with me on this, just in case) on Zergu's blog. You have the girl's lines in bold and my answers in something else than bold. I'm sorry I can't post (and/or record) a video like hers, it is something I will of course be able to do in 10-15 years, when my kids understand that mom is not only someone who builds train tracks, changes the batteries of the engine, plays in the Ikea tent and tunnel, tidies up their room, so that they can safely go to the toilet without stepping on a bridge, the tent or the tunnel. But let's not get caught up in family history and get the message rolling:

Hey there
Hey there

I'm Emanuella
I’m Ioana, pronounce /yo'ah nah/

I’m a Christian
I used to be a Christian
I have been a good Christian all my life
I have tried to be good all my life, being a Christian was something like "being a good pupil/student"
It was my identity
Being a Christian was somehow part of my identity, though I would not have thought of answering the "Who are you" question by saying first "I'm a Christian" 

I used to like to tell people how good I was, how I kept all the commandments
I didn't use to tell people how good I was (probably because I didn't consider myself a role model), and the commandments were not all THAT difficult to keep

I thought that was good
I thought that was good (and enough) 

Then I realized something
Then I realized something: a guy on a blog, patiently and non-judgementally, made me realize that the God I believed in wasn't there
I failed
I moved on
Christian was just a name I wore
Christian was just a name I wore
Kind of like a pretty coat over a dirty body
Kind of like "a good student" or "a friendly girl" or "likes shopping kinda girl"
And I can't take it anymore
And I think it wasn't such a big deal
I wasn’t interested in being your friend
I wasn't interested in being your friend
I just wanted to change you
On second thoughts, I could have been your friend, had we been able to find enough things in common. I didn't want to change you. 

I thought that was my job
It wasn't a job job, but more like wanting to get to know you
Christianity is being like Christ, isn’t it?
Christianity is being like Christ, isn’t it?

Jesus loved everyone first
They say Jesus loved everyone first
If they didn’t accept what he said, he still loved them
If they didn’t accept what he said, he still loved them

It’s not my job to change you
It’s not my job to change you

I can’t
I can’t

But it is my job to love you
But it is my job to love you (well, at least not jump at your throat, trying to challenge your beliefs the second I meet you)

That I can
That I can (have a nice conversation about something other that your religious beliefs, like the weather, shopping or how annoying it is that Dexter season is finished

So, this is an appeal to my Christian brothers and sisters
So, this is an appeal to everyone
Not all, but some
Stop the damnation
Stop the criticism, the I-know-better-and-you-should-absolutely-mind-my-advice attitude

Stop the judgement
DO stop the judgement
Stop the religism – google it
Stop the religism – google it (I haven't, sounds like something about how badly religion makes you act and think)

That’s not our business
That’s not our business

It doesn’t matter how well you can preach
It doesn’t matter how well you can defend your point of view, bring correct and logic-friendly arguments

How many bible verses you’ve memorized
How many bible verses you’ve memorized

Or how any people think you’re “all that”
Or how any people think you’re “all that”

If you don’t have love, you’re nothing
If you don’t have love, you’re nothing (just what exactly IS "love" to you?)

Love is not a chore
Love is definitely not a chore and not a war of arguments
It’s a revelation
It’s a revelation

The Christ you serve revealed in its purest form
The [insert whatever figure of science you choose to follow] you serve revealed in its purest form

Ghandi said “I like your Christ, but I don’t like your Christians”
Ghandi said “I like your Christ, but I don’t like your Christians”, well, at least some of them

Don’t be one of “those”
Don’t be one of “those”

This is an invintation
This is an inviTAtion
Start the love
Start the love

Join the movement
Join the movement

5 commentaires:

blo a dit…

dap. uneori se face prea mult caz de apartenenta la religie. eu sunt crestina. cred in Dumnezeu unul si in a fi onest.
in rest, n-am treaba cu nimeni atata timp cat n-are treaba cu mine.
prietena mea cea mai buna, fiinta careia ii spun tot ce-am pe suflet si pe care o admir, este atee. nu ne-am paruit niciodata pe teme religioase. de fapt nici n-am discutat vreodata in contradictoriu in sensul asta. eu stiu ca ea nu crede si o las in pace, ea stie ca eu cred, si ma lasa in pace.

Ioana a dit…

no, ce ziceam si eu exact:)

Anonyme a dit…

Tanti yo'ahnah ce vrea de fapt tanti din youtube video?Dar asa in citeva cuvinte ca-s greu de cap.Eu am vazut ca ii place sa pozeze(gen toti baietii sa vina la mine pt ca uitati-va cum arat:))] si ca a folosit hirtie de o dimensiune numai buna si pt o a doua utilizare.Merci anticipat pt un eventual raspuns.

Ioana a dit…

Nene anonim, tanti din video vrea sa transmita exact ce zice pe hartiile alea: nu cred ca-i cazul sa ma apuc de tradus in romaneste, nu?

Anonyme a dit…

Sa traduci cred ar fi un efort prea mare dar sa sintetizezi in citeva vorbe ar fi ideal.Merci anticipat pt o eventuala sinteza a spuselor ale lui tanti din video. :)

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